Vaadin Pro Add-on offer ends today.

Pro Add-on 20% discount offer is ending 31st May, 2012

Those fortunate souls who have visited
this page
are aware of our Vaadin Pro Add-on campaign.
I’m writing this post to reach the unfortunate souls who has missed this information completely and to make sure that also the developers following this forum won’t miss out this chance to save on Vaadin Pro Add-on licenses.

Time is running out on our campaign with only 10 more days
[/b] to go.
So it’s time to consider if you have need for the following Vaadin Pro Add-ons in your projects. If you do you might take actions to save some dollars for your development budget.

Here is a list of Vaadin Pro Add-ons. Follow links for more information about the products:

In case you haven’t got your own license yet, you might want to seize this mind blowing window of opportunity. :slight_smile:

Purchase a license online

Why should I purchase a commercial Vaadin add-on license?

Purchasing a perpetual license for a Pro Add-on entitles you to free upgrades for the lifetime of the Vaadin Pro Add-on. For example if you buy a license for TestBench 2.0 in May you will get free upgrade to TestBench 3.0 when it is available in June. So in case you are going to need a license for any of above listed Pro Add-on in the foreseeable future, now is a good time to get it.

If you don’t need a perpetual license for any of the above add-ons then you can always “Go for Pro” and
subscribe to Pro Account
, which includes right to use any commercial Vaadin Add-on in your development projects while the subscription is active.

When do I need a commercial Vaadin add-on license?

Instead of bloating this forum post I’m giving a direct link to
Commercial Vaadin Add-on License
(CVAL). Reading through the agreement will give you the answer, but those rare individuals who thinks that the content of the agreement is kind of TL;DR can take a shortcut and jump straight to chapter
2 Grant of License

Just reminding that this offer is ending today. I modified the hard coded time parameter in subject field to “Vaadin Pro Add-on offer ends today” (was: “Vaadin Pro Add-on offer ends in 10 days.”) to avoid confusion. :slight_smile: