Vaadin 24 with React is fast

Hi, when switching from Vaadin 24.3 to 24.4, React did not work, so we turned it off.
This week I looked into it again and was able to enable React.

Opening complex layouts, using grids with LazyDataProvider are noticeable faster. Like in general it doubled or tripled the usage speed of the website.

Why is it that much faster?

Thanks :slight_smile:

While that’s of course a positive development, I wouldn’t have expected that kind of change. Perhaps there was some bug that was previously slowing your app down that was fixed in 24.4?

From Vaadin 14 to Vaadin 21 to 23 the usage speed was only improved over the time… But not that drastic.
Maybe one of the add-ons were improved too. Some required a version upgrade when react was enabled.

I know there have been many Grid-related performance improvements since V14, including lazy column rendering: feat: grid lazy column rendering mode by tomivirkki · Pull Request #5124 · vaadin/web-components · GitHub. Typically improvements like this are somewhat situational - they affect certain types of applications more than others.

There’s still more work to be done in that regard, too, for example this one: Grid: Lazy column rendering should also apply to the column headers · Issue #5674 · vaadin/flow-components · GitHub