Using the same Route name with different spring boot profiles

We’re upgrading from Vaadin 14 to Vaadin 24.

In Vaadin 14 we had these Routes with the same name but used with different profiles. Is this not possible to do in Vaadin24?

Navigation targets must have unique routes, found navigation targets '...' and '...' with the same route
@Route(value = "users", layout = Layout.class)
@RouteAlias(value = "", layout = Layout.class)
@SideMenuItem(value = "users.title", id = "nav-users", ordinal = 1)
public class UsersViewForProfileOne extends UsersView implements HasRoute {

@Route(value = "users", layout = Layout.class)
@RouteAlias(value = "", layout = Layout.class)
@SideMenuItem(value = "users.title", id = "nav-users", ordinal = 1)
public class UsersViewForProfileTwo extends UsersView implements HasRoute {

That’s not possible - it’s really surprising that this even worked in the past- it was never intended.

Ok Thank you