I am new bee to both gwt and vaadin. I tried following http://fmucar.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/vaadin-maven2-vaadin-add-ons/ to add the filteringtable addon.
when builing my project using maven I get this error
Compiling module smdi.com.samples.vaadin.VaadinAddonMavenWidgetset
Validating newly compiled units
Errors in 'jar:file:/E:/maven/m2/repository/org/vaadin/addons/filteringtable/0.5.3/filteringtable-0.5.3.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/ui/VCustomScrollTable.java'
Line 2542: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 2562: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 2589: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 2627: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 2673: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 2684: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 2701: The method isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event) is undefined for the type Util
Line 6737: The method getPaintableForElement(ApplicationConnection, Container, Element) i
next I tried using new FilterTable() instead of new Table() is this what the change i have to do for having the filteringtable addon work?
I did not find any instructions on using filteringtable in an app. Are there any examples ?
Please advice , I aslo search in forms but did not find on how to use this addon.