Upload component Filename encoding

the problem regarding wrong encoded filename as mentioned in [the old forum] (https://vaadin.com/forum/thread/18455839/upload-component-filename-encoding) still exists for me in Vaadin 14:

I have trouble with uploaded files where the filename contains special characters. In the Browser window the filename is displayed correctly. However, when I access the filename in the succeededListener of my upload component, the encoding is messed up. I was wondering what encoding is used for the component by default and also where I could start tackling this issue since I just use the event.getFilename method within the vent listener upload.addSucceededListener(event → {})

I don’t think there is much you can do, except opening an issue in the flow repository where the upload is being processed. Could be related to the header parsing where the filename is located

it only seems to happen when uploading from Mac O no matter which browser. Filenames with german umlauts uploaded from Windows received correctly.

As far as I understand the code the filename is in the header Content-disposition and comes from the client

You should check the request in the Browser Developer tools