Update ListSelect Options

Hello Community,

I’m totally new to vaadin, but I have Java experience so far, and I’ve worked with JavaEE and JSF already.
Vaadin is a very special way for me to develop web content.

I’ve already worked on some basics, but I have a problem now.
I made a ListSelect, so that the user can choose between different locations.

Now my idea was, to have three buttons. For example locations, order and product.
If I click on button order, i want to have orders in my ListSelect.
If i click on locations, i wnat locations in my selectbox.

I’ve tried to but Listeners on the buttons and than change the options of the ListSelect, but I wasn’t successfully.

Is anybody able to help me? :slight_smile:

Can you post some code.

It’s will help us determine your problem.

You need to swap the ContainerDataSource of your ListSelect from within your Button.ClickListener that you have added to your Buttons.