I am trying to use twin columns in my app, but I have some problems.
I have 2 POJO, groups and members, so in the group’s form, I want a twin columns for the members.
I fill the twin columns getting the available members. No problem. But when I am filling the form, and I click some option in the select, there is an excepcion.
What it seems to try to do is giving setValue of your TwinSelectColumn a string when it seems to require a list. It tries to convert the string into a list but that fails as the List oesn’t have an appropiate constructor.
That’s about it on what I can say without seeing more code.
Not positive, but Twin column selects require the use of Set not List for the get/set values. I think a lot of people would have preferred List to Set, especially since List maintains an order, but that’s not how they work. Same goes for other select boxes that allow multiple selections.