TreeTable doesn't update correctly

I have a treetable that I frequently add/remove items to/from. The problem I’m having is that after calling removeAllComponents() and filling the table with new ones, the new components are added after the existing ones (the ones that should have been removed). When debugging I found that the old items were in fact not present in the table any more, yet they were still being displayed. Only when I sort/resize a column (or when I check the component using the Vaadin debug console in the browser) do the old entries dissapear.

I’m using the latest 6.7.2 nightly, my treetable setImmediate is true and I call getApplication().getMainWindow().executeJavaScript(“javascript:vaadin.forceSync();”); after altering my table. I’ve also tried programatically resizing the columns to force an update, but nothing has worked so far.

EDIT: I also noticed that setEditable(false) tends to send the application into a loading cycle that doesn’t appear to have a definite end. The red Vaadin spinner just keeps going on the top right side of my screen until I press escape. Then it says there’s a communication problem and makes me restart.

We are experiencing a similar issue. Previously using Vaadin 6.6.0 and TreeTable 1.2.0 with great success.

We attempted to upgrade to Vaadin 6.7.1 with the TreeTable included.

SetImmediate(true) seemed to make it behave somewhat better, but it still displays entries that are no longer in the data source as well as sometimes failing to display the expand arrow for items that have sub-items.

Please let me know if you have any ideas!

Jenica Jacobsen
MountainView Software

EDIT: We use a Hierarchical Container that changes behind-the-scenes. Also, clicking on an arrow (if one is present) seems to refresh/repaint and clear up the issue.


Same problem using Vaadin 6.7.1.

Using :
public void setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource)
doesn’t refresh treetable (in a master/detail like screen).


That sounds a lot like a bug. There’s
#7780 TreeTable rendering problem when adding or removing nodes
, which is rather similar, but perhaps a bit different. See the
other open TreeTable issues
. If your problem is different, you could create the ticket yourself so that you can follow it more easily.

Ok, i just created

Can you please check if the problem still occurs with the latest nightly build? There were many TreeTable issues fixed on Thursday/Friday.