TouchKit 2.1 Upgrade Issues

I have tried to update my application to TouchKit 2.1 and well, it won’t compile the widget set. Are there any instructions to clarify how to upgrade appropriately? Here is what I get when I try to build my project with the new jar:

  Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.TouchKitOfflineApp'
     Rebinding com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.TouchKitOfflineApp
        Checking rule <generate-with class=''/>

Unable to find type ‘com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.TouchKitOfflineApp’
Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type unavailable
Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not be adding its source path entries properly
Errors in ‘jar:file:/Users/johnny/.m2/repository/com/vaadin/addon/vaadin-touchkit-cval/2.1.0/vaadin-touchkit-cval-2.1.0.jar!/com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/’
Line 132: The method showCommunicationError(String, int) of type VTouchKitApplicationConnection must override or implement a supertype method
Line 138: Failed to resolve ‘com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.TouchKitOfflineApp’ via deferred binding

Any suggestions?


Update you Vaadin dependency to latest 6.7.8. That will also make Android (3.x +) users lives much easier as their scrolling works. It was broken due broken scrollTop implementation in Android browser.
