Table pagination

Our app usually works with the normal lazy loading table component and the scroll bars.
This works fine.

But now we have a customer where the users all work on citrix servers, and scrolling
in the lazy loading table on the citrix server is awfully slow.
(Screen flickers, updates of the screen takes 1-2 seconds etc.)

Is there a way to have “good old style” pagination with
previous next buttons in the normal table component ?


If you use table with height=-1 and pagelenth>0, it would be easy to just add next and previous buttons below the table. Just currentPageFirstItemIndex += pagelenth…

I’m interested in table pagination too, can you please explain better?


I created a vaadin add on component to solve this issue. It can be found at the
Vaadin Directory

, addon looks great (at least on the screenshot). Few questions, if I may ask you:


How is it possible to customise the position of the buttons (both on left side, both on right side, left + right side)?
Is it possible to display the page information (e.g.
page 3 of 18

[/list]Thanks in advance.

Hi Dmitry!

No, those features are not yet there. I’ve created the component from scratch on sunday and monday so it is still not very featurerich / bugfree.

I already had a note about letting the user implement the next and previous buttons himself so with that feature you can position them any way you like. I’ve added the page information request to my list of to-do’s.

Please adress future feature requests / bug reports to the
main forum thread for the component
. From there you can also see the list of features/to-do’s/bugs.

Hi Dmitry!

The next version (0.2.0) of the PagedTable is out now. I’ve added the features you asked for.

The class has now previousPage() and nextPage() -methods that you can call upon to change pages. This means that you can add your own buttons and position them any way you like.

I added getCurrentPage() and getTotalAmountOfPages() -methods. With these two you can create the page information label. If you use the default controls, that can be fetched with createControls(), you’ll get that label, and the two buttons.