Table: Column Drag&Drop Insert Point Offset

Hi all,

The insert point of a column while reordering columns in the browser with drag & drop has an offset to the right.
This offset is bigger when dragging in a rightmost place than left in the table.

We use Vaadin 6.8.7 and have this behaviour in IE8 (8.0.7601.17514), Firefox 10 (10.0.10) and Chrome 11 (11.0.696.68).
I couldn’t test it in other browser since they are not allowed in the enterprise I’m working for and the application must run in their standard browser, which is IE8.

Thanks in advance for any help about this topic!

I set fixed column widths for all columns but this did not resolve the problem.

Any help is still much appreciated!

Here a screenshot to visualize the problem while trying to move the column ‘Sicherheiten’:


Unfortunately I don’t have a solution for this but I can at least confirm the issue on Vaadin 6.8.8. The issue seems to be worse with narrow-ish columns (around 100…150px) - with wide columns it’s not that noticeable.

This definitely seems to be a bug in the offset calculation. Please do file a bug report about this in the Vaadin trac. You might also want to include a simple test case, or at least info on how many and how wide columns you have in your table. I noticed that you can’t really reproduce this with e.g. just three columns.


Ticket #11153
created for this problem.

Thx for your answer!