Table and the ShortcutListener

Hi Folks,

I just scanned through the forum but i did not found, what I was looking for. I also check the vaadin book on this topic.

Actually, i have quite a simple situation

  • a TabSheet with two Tabs
  • each Tab holds a Table. and to each Table i added a ENTER ShortCutListener
  • the enter just opens a sub-window with some details regarding the current line in the Table

table.addShortcutListener(new ShortcutListner(“ENTER”, KeyCode.ENTER, new int) {
public void handleAction(Object object, Object object1) {
// open another-window with details

Strangely, the ENTER works only on one of the Tables. I experimented a bit. The Table, who can register the shortcutlistner first, is the one who receives the Enter (if in focus). The other Table does not receive the Enter when focused, altough a shortuctListner was installed.

So did I get something wrong? Only one Enter ShortcutListener can be installed per window? Even when I install it on a specific component?

Any hint to other posts or docu very much appreciated.