Suggestion for Vaadin 7

Not sure where I should post suggestions for Vaadin 7 so I’ll just throw it out here.

Been working on an app that uses the com.vaadin.event.Action framework for UI actions in Tables and Forms. Started using MenuBars which use a com.vaadin.ui.MenuBar.Command framework. To get the menubar to carry out some of the actions in my tables, I had to create Commands that then carried out Actions.

Seems like Command and Action can be merged into a single thing.


Using Actions for MenuBar sounds like a good idea. Probably should have been this way from the beginning. Still - I am not sure if it would be wise to break the API compatibility at this point as the benefits for change are not too great.

The best place for this and other suggestions would probably be
. Writing a ticket for suggestions guarantees that they will not get lost - in the worst case the suggestions are just set to wontfix. But even that is better than not being evaluated at all.

Is opening tickets on still the correct place to contribute ideas or discussion for Vaadin 7?

–Basil Bourque

Tickets are not really a place for discussion. For small enhancements and clearly non-controversial items, tickets make sure they are not forgotten, but anything that might warrant more discussion is better kept on the forum until a consensus is found, and only then written as a ticket. The forum also gets more visibility and so helps get discussion started.

So what forum would that be? This one (Miscellaneous)?