Starting web vaadin application takes very long time at WAS 9


We have 4 java web applications.
2 - vaadin based app: WebDoc (6.8.17 vaadin version) and SberWeb (7.6.3 vaadin version)
2 - another type.
Current build is made under jdk 8.121, maven 3.2.5.
I attach our vaadin-apps pom files.
Our target web-app server - IBM WebShpere 9 uses JDK 1.8.0

Talking about our vaadin apps:
After staring deployed application it takes a very long time to get started for every application.
Starting proccess at JBoss WildFly for example takes normal time ~ 3 mins.

Other 2 not-vaadin applications starting normally. Thats why i’m writing to you and we’ll be very thankfull to get any explanations or advices!

Also we have no such problem with those applications when have been building one under jdk 6 maven 3.2.5 and those vaadin version targeting to webpshere 8 (jdk 6).

Thank you in advance.


Based on result im not quite sure that vaadin or its version is the cause of the problem.


Admin console WAS: … jvm - properties…
set to false