Using Scala/Scaladin, but hopefully that shouldn’t matter
Using MySQL (well, latest MariadDB) and C3PO, with datasource via JNDI.
All seems fine at first.
sorting doesn’t work. Defining in code or clicking on column header, no difference. I read something around 2 years
ago about setting ANSI mode. Still true?
If I scroll down a bit, its fine. scoll down a lot it takes ages to get back to me, often times out, coming back with either blank
grid or lots of short rows with no data inside. Seems kind of random.
Makes the UX rather shaky. Scrolling though data in Heidi is smooth. DB is local, i.e. on my box.
Is there a way to log the sql being sent out by the sql container?
Yeah, when I tried to use SQLContainer several months ago, I was shocked by critical issues it has though they were reported on forum like year ago. The remaining options for Vaadin 7 are Lazy Query Container and Vaadin JPAContainer. I was not experimenting with the latter but Lazy Query Container seems usable to me, though I ended up with creating my own container (because of very special requirements I was not able to achieve just by extending LQC).