[Solved] Table slide right when item selected

[Solved in 6.4.2 release]


Hi all,
I have a problem with the table, if the columns excede length of table which is selectable, clicking on an item make columns slide right.

Here’s my showcase code:

Window mainWindow = new Window("Tabletestcase Application");
		Table table = new Table();
		table.addContainerProperty("field1", String.class, "");
		table.addContainerProperty("field2", String.class, "");
		table.addContainerProperty("field3", String.class, "");
		Item item = table.getItem(table.addItem());
		item.getItemProperty("field1").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test1", String.class));
		item.getItemProperty("field2").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test2", String.class));
		item.getItemProperty("field3").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test3", String.class));
		item = table.getItem(table.addItem());
		item.getItemProperty("field1").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test4", String.class));
		item.getItemProperty("field2").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test5", String.class));
		item.getItemProperty("field3").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test6", String.class));
		table.setColumnWidth("field3", 500);

and some image:
just as it come

after first item has been selected (clicked)

It’s my fault or a bug in the table render ?
There is some way to fix it or some workaround ?

My apologies for my english.

This behavior was not present in the 6.3.2 release, and only seem to be a client bug (clicking an item meanwhile the server is off also cause the columns to slide right)

I hope this can help.

I’m trying to figure out this bug, so:

Window mainWindow = new Window("Tabletestcase Application");
		final Table table = new Table();
		table.addContainerProperty("field1", String.class, "");
		table.addContainerProperty("field2", String.class, "");
		table.addContainerProperty("field3", String.class, "");
		final Item item1 = table.getItem(table.addItem());
		item1.getItemProperty("field1").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test1", String.class));
		item1.getItemProperty("field2").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test2", String.class));
		item1.getItemProperty("field3").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test3", String.class));
		final Item item2 = table.getItem(table.addItem());
		item2.getItemProperty("field1").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test4", String.class));
		item2.getItemProperty("field2").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test5", String.class));
		item2.getItemProperty("field3").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test6", String.class));
		table.setColumnWidth("field3", 500);
		Button b = new Button("Select first item");
		b.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
			public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
				Integer i = (Integer)table.getValue();

Same as first post, but i add a button.
It select the first table item, and loading the app an clicking the button it do right; the first item is selected without the comlumns shifting.
Then i click the second item, and the columns shift…i scroll back (left) with the srollbarr then i click again the button: the columns this time shift…
Now i’m going to read the client source code, but i have not experience with this kind of stuff, so i’m planning to keep you informed hoping any help

I’m experiencing this also in my tables, and would like to know if there’s a fix or some way to circumvent this.