This behavior was not present in the 6.3.2 release, and only seem to be a client bug (clicking an item meanwhile the server is off also cause the columns to slide right)
Window mainWindow = new Window("Tabletestcase Application");
final Table table = new Table();
table.addContainerProperty("field1", String.class, "");
table.addContainerProperty("field2", String.class, "");
table.addContainerProperty("field3", String.class, "");
final Item item1 = table.getItem(table.addItem());
item1.getItemProperty("field1").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test1", String.class));
item1.getItemProperty("field2").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test2", String.class));
item1.getItemProperty("field3").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test3", String.class));
final Item item2 = table.getItem(table.addItem());
item2.getItemProperty("field1").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test4", String.class));
item2.getItemProperty("field2").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test5", String.class));
item2.getItemProperty("field3").setValue(new ObjectProperty("test6", String.class));
table.setColumnWidth("field3", 500);
Button b = new Button("Select first item");
b.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {;
Integer i = (Integer)table.getValue();
Same as first post, but i add a button.
It select the first table item, and loading the app an clicking the button it do right; the first item is selected without the comlumns shifting.
Then i click the second item, and the columns shift…i scroll back (left) with the srollbarr then i click again the button: the columns this time shift…
Now i’m going to read the client source code, but i have not experience with this kind of stuff, so i’m planning to keep you informed hoping any help