(SOLVED) My Authentication does not persist after successfully logging in.

Hello, greetings and thank you for your desire to help. I appreciate it.

I tried with the TestingAuthenticationToken and it has the same behavior, i.e. it doesn’t make any difference.

I still made sure to have browser Cookies enabled, both in Edge and Firefox. In fact, it supposedly generates the Cookie as JSESSIONID correctly.

But I still have the same problem.

I’m wondering if the 3 point of baeldung is related, because you are bypassing the default chains like so and therefore the security context is not correct https://www.baeldung.com/manually-set-user-authentication-spring-security

Wow! It worked like a glove. Finally this solution works perfect for me.

Thank you very much for your patience and desire to help. Really thank you very much. :+1: :smiley:

(SOLVED) My Authentication does not persist after successfully logging in.