i am using Vaadin to implement a little web plattform in my master thesis.
So far i am really impressed of vaadins capabilities.
But currently there is one little thing that bugs me, i couldn’t resolve so far.
Following two situations:
I got a page consisting of several Panels with information regarding a user.
One of these Panels holds an image (tried ThemeResource and Image.java from ImageFilter add-on).
If i navigate to the page, all components are rendert really fast, except the image, which is loaded with a delay of ~half a second.
The same happens with a Button that holds a ThemeResource as Icon.
The Button is rendered an the icon pops in with a little offset of some miliseconds.
This looks pretty weird, since i would expect the whole Button component is rendered at once including the icon.
Same behaviour can be seen in the sampler, for example:
Is there a possibilty to tell a component to be displayed all at once (for the button)
or to display a ProgressBar until all Sub-Components of a CustomComponent are send to Client?
BR and thanks in advance,