REMOVE MESSAGE take note of unsaved data,

I want to know how remove this message of post, in browser(explorer, in my application with vaadin,
Someone can tell me accurately and step by step what i do.
I hope in no criptic answers.
Thanks a lot

I send error attachment

Is anyone listening COMMUNITY?

I do not see any attachments in your posts …

But it would be better to describe how you get this error (what are you doing in your application that causes it ), accompanied by logs from the server , even snippets of code ( if applicable )

13248.bmp (532 KB)

I send a full error log to

can you see attachement now ?


there’s obviously some kind of exception happening in the client-side code. Unfortunately the exception alone without any further information does not help much :( Could you post some more information, e.g.

  • If this always happens at the same view, please post the code of that view
  • If there’s any kind of exception or error in the server-side log, post that too
  • If possible, enable the GWT development mode and try to reproduce the issue while running that - it will result in a much more meaningful error message
  • Post the relevant details of your environment (which vaadin version, which application server, etc.)

Can’t promise you a solution with these infos either, but with just an error message there is no way to tell what’s happening.

And yeah, the attachments are working now

Ok Teppo thanks for your time .
The portlets does’t log anything on server side.
The message i have posted display in random way.
I search user in my page on site and i get my results.
Then sometimes after 10 minutes,another time after 35 minutes i get the message
(cross browser) which i send in th first post.
I have two portlet vaadin in liferay 6.1 in the same page.
Into first porlet i’have a seach portlet with button(listener)
which displays portal users with my customization.
Other portlet display a tree view of organizations of user.
there’s no link associations, beetwen portlets.They’re only on the same page.
I send you a similar problem posted in web
( for additional,similar log message problem)
Thanks again
(sorry for my not oxfordian english :wink: )