I am trying to do the following
a) upload a large file, showing the upload indicator.
b) upon success, trigger long running slicing and dicing
I am performing my long running processing in the my Upload.SucceededHandler. At that point, the received/size ratio is indeed 1.0 and I would have thought that the progress indicator would show “done”.
Instead, what I see is a partially done indicator, and the white-yellow-red spinner while my long running processing is going. Clearly, the last “poll” event from the browser does not get processed. My processing is preventing the the refresh of the indicator
a) do I really need to fork off a thread to perform my long running processing ? Is there something in the API I missed ?
b) I would like to stop polling at some point. Is there a way to know that the UI has shown the full indicator other than waiting twice the length of the refresh interval (yet another timer).