I’m new in Vaadin, I study it for a few month now and now I have a problem whichs despairs me a lot
I want to write my first own extension. I wrote the required classes of client side and of server side and definded the module descriptor. Then I compiled the new widgetset und set it on my servlet class.
Now I start my tomcat und open my application in my brower (Chrome Version 42.0.2311.90 m (64-bit)), but the application doesn’t start, I got the following message:
INFORMATION: Requested resource
[/VAADIN/widgetsets/com.example.testingvaadin.liveFilter.LiveFilterWidgetset/23E66350C727AF16B1EF9611E5C2FC08.cache.js] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.
The *.cache.js file in my compiled widgetset folder called something different, he seems to try loading an older compiled js file. It seems to be a refresh problem to me, the javascript file seems to be cached somewhere. But where and why? What is my mistake?
Maybe it’s not a refresh problem: I started my application in the internet explorer (Version 11) and it’s like in Chrome, it does’nt start, just spinning the preloader…
I deleted the whole widgetset entry in Vaadin.widgetsets and rebuilt the widgetset. This created the fixed files in the nocache.js (and everything else).
However, when I published it to Tomcat nothing changed, it appears that tomcat wasn’t getting updated. I deleted the tomcat copy and republished; now everything seems to be work correctly.