I tried vaadin recently and found much potential in it however, I already almost recoded my old workflow program to use the gxt framework because of the widgets it has.
I am not really a UI programmer but the work here is making me do that anyways so existing widgets help a lot.
Thank you for the demo Joonas. I have been trying to integrate a GXT 3.0 widget but I fail. Since it is possible to use GXT widgets in Vaadin then it must be my fault. I don’t know if it is appropriate to ask it in this forum but a tutorial on how this integration can be achived would be highly appreciated.
(Which after inspection make sense, since the ‘AcceptCriteriaFactoryGenerator’ is part of ‘vaadin-client-compiler’, which is currently not in my classpath.
So my question is:
Which steps do I need to perform to get GXT (or other GWT widgets) up and running in Vaadin?
Do I need to compile them upfront (e.g. using Ant buildfile or using IDE plugin) ?
Which classes do I need to provide (currently I have a GXTxxx, GXTxxxState and GXTxxxConnector, is that sufficient?)
Any help would be appreciated. (BTW, I’m currently using Vaadin 7.0.0.beta6)