I tried searching the error in previous posts, but got no results, so I apologize if it is a repeated issue…
I’m working with latest vaadin version (7.1.8) and have created a clean project using the maven archeype:
mvn archetype: generate-DarchetypeGroupId = com.vaadin-DarchetypeArtifactId = vaadin-archetype-application-DarchetypeVersion = 7.1.8
And then, I generated the WAR and create initial widgetset using
mvn package
, as shown in the
This example works correctly, but if I add a field PopupDateField on main layout, I get a JS error when clicking twice on the calendar (see attached picture). First click open the popup, and second click close the calendar popup and
throws the error
Somebody has this error too? Exists a solution for this? Because in the
vaadin sampler
, this issue does not occurs…
Thank you!