Hi, why the mouse pointer show like arrow and no the hand over the buttons when the project is with spring-boot and show the hand when the project’s is pure Vaadin
Strange, those two things should not be connected at all; can you point to a Spring sample that exhibits this?
I have the same problem, any news?
I also have the same problem.
Hello Guzman and Imran!
Can either of you provide an example where this problem can be replicated. If so, could you create a ticket about it @ https://github.com/vaadin/flow/issues? Thank you.
Also, please provide some information about the system and versions you are using (Vaadin platform version, operating system, and browsers).
I was not able to replicate this issue with:
- Vaadin platform 14.0.12
- Windows 10
- Chrome 78, Firefox 70, nor Edge 44.17763
Hi there, I´ve tried with Vaadin 14.0.8, MacOS Catalina, Safari & Chrome (latest versions). I´ll try later with Windows 10. Thanks!
How to dipatch event after setting some value ?
Then('Clear out the entry and enter a decimal value in the offset field', async () => {
await browser.executeScript(`document.querySelector("body > moo-shell > auto-app").shadowRoot.querySelector("section > auto-config").shadowRoot.querySelector("section:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > section.plants > delivery-offset-list-field").shadowRoot.querySelector("div.row > auto-time-picker-offset").shadowRoot.querySelector("div > vaadin-ext-time-picker").shadowRoot.querySelector("vaadin-combo-box-light > vaadin-time-picker-text-field").shadowRoot.querySelector("div > div:nth-child(2) > slot:nth-child(2) > input").value = "5.5";`);
await browser.executeScript(`document.querySelector("body > moo-shell > auto-app").shadowRoot.querySelector("section > auto-config").shadowRoot.querySelector("section:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > section.plants > delivery-offset-list-field").shadowRoot.querySelector("div.row > auto-time-picker-offset").shadowRoot.querySelector("div > vaadin-ext-time-picker").shadowRoot.querySelector("vaadin-combo-box-light > vaadin-time-picker-text-field").shadowRoot.querySelector("div > div:nth-child(2) > slot:nth-child(2) > input").dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));`);
await browser.actions().sendKeys(protractor.Key.ENTER).perform();
//Validating input field turns red/Invalid
await browser.executeScript(`return document.querySelector("body > moo-shell > auto-app").shadowRoot.querySelector("section > auto-config").shadowRoot.querySelector("section:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(2) > section.plants > delivery-offset-list-field").shadowRoot.querySelector("div.row > auto-time-picker-offset").shadowRoot.querySelector("div > vaadin-ext-time-picker").shadowRoot.querySelector("vaadin-combo-box-light > vaadin-time-picker-text-field").invalid;`).then(function (value) {