Org Chart Component

Are there any org chart components that could work with Vaadin?

None that I have heard of, sorry. Maybe you find some if you search around for GWT components. GWT components can be converted into Vaadin components quite easily.

Please try

An implementation of the google visualization is available with
Visualizations for Vaadin
you can see the Org Chart implemented if you open the pictures showing all the types of chart you can create. Options for the chart are shown

You will need to also download and add the google visualizations jar [i]
Also requires GWT Visualization jar… Should be included in (Eclipse) WebContent…WEB-INF… lib…

Code for an org chart is along these lines

OrganizationalChart oc = new OrganizationalChart();
		oc.setOption("size", "medium");
		oc.setOption("allowCollapse", false);
		oc.add("CEO", "", "CEO Bert Big");
		oc.add("CIO", "CEO", "CIO Charly IT");
		oc.add("CFO", "CEO", "CFO Funny Muny");
		oc.add("Strategy", "CIO", "Strategy Willy Wonder");
		oc.addListener(new OrganizationalChart.SelectionListener() {

			private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

			public void selectionChanged(List<String> selectedItems) {
				if (selectedItems.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("")){
				   getMainWindow().showNotification("Node : " + selectedNode + " deselected.");
				} else {
					getMainWindow().showNotification("Node : " + selectedItems.get(0) + " selected.");
					selectedNode = selectedItems.get(0);

		w.addWindow(createSubWindow(oc, "Organizational Chart", "536px","436px"));

Refer for more info about charts from Google…
Google Visualization Gallery

I 've the same problem.!!! :frowning:


I can’t see how to set attributes like the colour of specific items in the organization chart from server side code.

Could someone help me out please?
