I’m trying to display a wms layer with the UK OS grid (EPSG: 27700) but it simply doesn’t work (i.e. it doesn’t display anything).
I note the example says “has not been tested” due to unavailability of a suitable server.
I also note that my javascript has a options being set - such as
tilesorigin: [map.maxExtent.left, map.maxExtent.bottom]
attribution: ‘Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2012’,
for which there are no equivalents in the vol object.
Since I’m an utter novice in vaadin and gwt (8 hours yesterday - most of it banging my head against this particular wall) and a comparative novice in openlayers (I inherited code from another programmer and just added things to it) I’m reluctant to leap into opensource collaboration on this one - but I can contribute a working wms server with that projection if somebody is willing to work with me to look at the problem.
It’s our server and the data is all OS (UK Ordnance Survey) OpenData - so there’s no copyright restrictions.
Can anyone help?