Hi, I read this blog
about Vaadin and the following discussion and a little bit curious about this topic.
According to Vaddin doc
"User Session
A user session begins when a user first makes a request to a Vaadin servlet or portlet by opening the URL for a particularUI. All server requests belonging to a particular UI class are processed by the VaadinServlet or VaadinPortlet class. When a new client connects, it creates a new user session, represented by an instance of VaadinSession. Sessions are tracked using cookies stored in the browser."
Q1. So dose that mean even without login/count system, every client computer will have his proper “session” and I , as developper, can get the session value separately?
Q2. If my understanding about Q1 is right, is there a difference if I build up login/count system? and whether or not this will take more server memory.
Q3. I’m building a web app aiming to serve over 1 million user (not shop on line) every day. The most content will only be text and a little picture, and according to Vaadin analyses
What size of server memory would achieve the job? or is it even possible?like 100 servers * 200 GB memory?