I have noticed small problem with Button with BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK style.
After adding this style, and creating button with no caption, only Icon, when you click this button, next to it, there appear two or three black pixels. I do not know if it is a bug or not. Can somebody tell me how to make these pixels disappear?
This issue is also visable on vaadin sampler demo:
Link Button
When you click on third button, the one with question mark only, you will see pixels I am talking about.
seems to me that the focus style is responsible. Even though the caption is empty, the outline is still applied to it and the few pixels are a result of that. The related css rule:
For a quick fix, you could just give your button a style name and override the outline style in your own theme. Otherwise, this seems like a bug to me, so please create a ticket to the
Vaadin trac .