I checked it out when they released it, and was impressed as well. Maybe a bit too much like everything else nowadays, but that’s not a crime. Probably even better that way, since the users are more likely to accept the framework if the looks are familiar out of the box. And since they have to support the ThemeRoller, it puts some additional contraints on the core theme.
And Joonas, the following night (after seeing the designs), when I was falling a sleep, this started to circle around in my head, and gave me inspiration to update the Reindeer theme for Vaadin 7. I was thinking about making it similarly color independant, so that it would be easy to create new color variations from it (similar to Chameleon, but with more constraints). It would also contain similar light/dark versions like the current Reindeer theme, only more comprehensive and usable.
So I just had to whip something up quickly in Photoshop, and the following mockup came together (two different color variations, both light and dark). See the attachment.
I’m open for suggestions and critisism. I’m not sure if “Reindeer 7” will ever become reality, but at least I hope it will. Maybe and probably not exactly like I described above, but along those lines…
Sure thing, I wasn’t implying that we shouldn’t have a jQuery Mobile theme as well. If I only had more time, the Directory would be full of themes for Vaadin.
Is the jQuery theme freely licensed? I mean, could be just use it pixel-by-pixel and not face any charges?