I’m trying to use Ivy (in Eclipse) to load the JPAContainer and FilteringTable add-ons. I’ve added other dependencies successfully with Ivy, just not any Vaadin add-ons.
It should be as simple as adding the dependency strings that the Add-On Directory tells me to:
This gives me errors:
Some projects fail to be resolved
Impossible to resolve dependencies of com.example#v7proj;working@Macintosh.local
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin.addon#jpacontainer;3.1.1: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin.addon#filteringtable;0.9.11.v7: not found
I checked that the add-on repository was defined:
I should mention that I did find someone in the forum seemingly having the same problem: https://vaadin.com/forum/#!/thread/3855508/3855507
But their solution (adding the Vaadin facet to the project) doesn’t seem to apply to me-- I already have it.
<dependency org="com.vaadin.addon" name="filteringtable" rev="0.9.11.v7" />
[/code]That one does not work because the org is "org.vaadin.addons" for filtering table, i.e.[code]
<dependency org="org.vaadin.addons" name="filteringtable" rev="0.9.11.v7" />
[/code]seems to work just fine. Also I can't see any problems with using[code]
<dependency org="com.vaadin.addon" name="jpacontainer" rev="3.1.1" />
You can find the “Ivy Console” in Eclipse behind the “Open console” icon the the “Console” view. This might tell you more about what goes wrong with Ivy when something does
Solved the issue.
From within Eclipse, go to Window → Preferences
Expand the ‘Ivy’ Tree and select ‘Settings’
Set the “ivy settings path” to the loaction of yorur ivysettings.xml.
I went with ${workspace_loc:proj_name/ivysettings.xml} where proj_name is my project pinting to /proj_name/ivysettings.xml (this is also the same place I have my ivy.xml)
Why would you even use Ivy for dependency management. Of course, it is your personal choice and I am not agaist that. But based on my personal experience, you will encouter more issues later. I would recommend gradle or Maven.
Just plain simple steps for managing dependencies.