Hello I created an small custom component that contains a grid, but Im having an error, Im not sure if it is because of the grid, here is my code:
private class GridDOFieldsComponent extends CustomField<Field[]> {
private final Grid<Field> grid = new Grid<>();
private final List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<>();
private final ListDataProvider<Field> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<>(fieldList);
private final HorizontalLayout hlGridtoolBar = new HorizontalLayout();
private final VerticalLayout vlGridContent = new VerticalLayout();
public GridDOFieldsComponent(){
vlContent.setHorizontalComponentAlignment(FlexComponent.Alignment.CENTER, vlGridContent);
private void buildGrid(){
Grid.Column<Field> colName = grid.addColumn(Field::getLabel).setHeader("Label").setWidth("20%").setResizable(true);
Grid.Column<Field> colDesc = grid.addColumn(Field::getDescription).setHeader("Descripción").setWidth("35%").setResizable(true);
Grid.Column<Field> colDataType = grid.addColumn(Field::getDataType).setHeader("Data Type").setWidth("20%").setResizable(true);
//Grid.Column<DataObjectResponse> colActions = grid.addComponentColumn(item -> createRemoveButton(dataObjectGrid, item)).setHeader("Actions").setWidth("25%").setResizable(true);
HeaderRow topRow = grid.prependHeaderRow();
HeaderRow.HeaderCell buttonsCell = topRow.join( colName, colDesc, colDataType );
// gridContainer.setHeight("");
// vlyContent.add(gridContainer);
protected Field[] generateModelValue() {
Field[] f = fieldList.toArray( new Field[fieldList.size()]
return f;
protected void setPresentationValue(Field[] fields) {
fieldList.addAll( Arrays.asList( fields) );
This is the error:
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: ERROR in …/target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘@vaadin/vaadin-custom-field/src/vaadin-custom-field.js’ in ‘…/designer/target/frontend’
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: @ …/target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js 54:0-64
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: ERROR in …/target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘@vaadin/vaadin-custom-field/src/vaadin-custom-field.js’ in ‘…/designer/target/frontend’
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: @ …/target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js 54:0-64
2019-10-18 00:03:58.934 ERROR 99044 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack: ? ?wdm?: Failed to compile.
Is like is something missing, btw I created the project using https://start.vaadin.com/
Thank you in advance