Install App doesn't show up on mobiles (PWA)

I downloaded the demo of V14

Accessing from a pc, chrome, it shows the “Install App” notification and it works great but if I access from a mobile (android, chrome) I don’t have that notification/option.
How do I have enable this feature on mobiles too?

This is the starting point of the project

@PWA(name = "My Starter Project", shortName = "My Starter Project", iconPath = "images/logo-18.png", backgroundColor = "#233348", themeColor = "#233348")
@Viewport("width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes")
public class MainLayout extends FlexBoxLayout
		implements RouterLayout, PageConfigurator, AfterNavigationObserver {

One thing that may be relevant here: PWA features only work if the content is being server with https or from localhost.

is it possible to disable this? I am on Windows and is not than simple to install a letsencrypt ACME and integrate it with Payara

Nope, it’s a browser feature.