I am new in Vaadin.
I try to create tab with scrollable internal content but without result - scroll work only in parent split panel.
When I scroll down tabs move up and become unvisible.
public void init() {
String bigContent = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
bigContent += "word ";
TabSheet tabSheet = new TabSheet();
Panel tab1 = new Panel();
tab1.addComponent(new Label(bigContent));
tabSheet.addTab(tab1, "Tab 1", null);
Panel tab2 = new Panel();
tab2.addComponent(new Button("button"));
tabSheet.addTab(tab2, "Tab 2", null);
SplitPanel horizontalSplit = new SplitPanel(SplitPanel.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
horizontalSplit.setFirstComponent(new Label("Navigation"));
setMainWindow(new Window("Tab Test"));
Could you advice please what to do, I already try different methods (setHeight(“90%”), setSizeFull, setSizeUndefined, setScrolable() with true and false for different components, use special around Panel - nothing help). Browser Firefox 3.5.9, Vaadin 6.2.0. I try to find answer in formut but can not.
. If I place label to Panel and set it height for example 200px it work but it is NOT I NEED, I need not 200px but 100% and this not work.