class Type {
private Integer id;
private String title;
// setter/getter
// equals/hashcode
List of types is added to BeanItemContainer, and then as DataSource to NativeSelect (fType).
BeanItemContainer c = new BeanItemContainer<Type>(Type.class, typeList)
fType is bound with FieldGroup, that has another object (Document) as DataSource, but when I pass document with data
NativeSelect does not select actual value from Document.
BeanItem<Document> item = new BeanItem<Document>(document);
FieldGroup fieldGrould = new FieldGroup();
NativeSelect fType = new NativeSelect("Type");
fieldGroup.bind(fType, Document.TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME);
Why it doesn’t select value on binding, but only when I use with instance of Type? Or BeanItemContainer and FieldGroup do not work together?
Not sure why you use addNestedProperty , but it depends on how Document looks
Document {
private Type type;
// getter + setter
Document {
private Integer type; // reference to
// getter + setter
For case 1. if your type property is of type Type , the code below should work (bacause your itemId is the bean in the BeanItemContainer )
BeanItem<Document> item = new BeanItem<Document>(document);
FieldGroup fieldGrould = new FieldGroup();
NativeSelect fType = new NativeSelect("Type");
fType.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<Type>(Type.class, typeList)); // Set container before you bind.
fieldGroup.bind(fType, "type"); // Bind directly to type property in document...
For Case 2. if instead your type property is of type Integer ( ie referencing the primary key of Type ) , you have three approaches,
Make derivative Container that uses the ID as ItemId instead of the bean itself ( extends AbstractBeanContainer<Integer,Type>and add an BeanIdResolver<Ineger,Type> resolver to the Container that resolves the ID for the Type.
add the the items directly to the Native select using type.getId(), and set the Caption explicitly ( ie not using a BeanItemContainer )
for (Type t : typeList) {
fType.setItemCaption(t.getId(), t.getTitle());
(Have not tested ) , but you could add a Converter<PRESENTATION, MODEL> to the nativeSelect to convert your MODEL (Integer) to the presentation ( Type ) , and the default BeanItemContainer should still work.