How to change the icon for accordion

I want to change the default icon for accordion to another icon

please see this discussion, as it’s almost the same thing:

one way to change the icon is to remove the built-in one as described there, and add a different icon as part of the panel’s summary content.

another way is to supply a different font icon to the built-in icon part:

  content: var(--lumo-icons-some-other-icon);

to use something other than a Lumo icon (,  you'll need to also change the font-family to whatever icon font you want to use, e.g. 

`font-family: vaadin-icons;`

Hello thanks a lott

AccordionPanel accordionPanel = accordion.add(“Search”,

I want the search to be like a button rather than a text can you please guide me on this

I have done it thank

Button k = new Button(“test”);

    AccordionPanel accordionPanel = accordion.add("",