Help with URL update

I following this sample : Updating URL Parameters without Navigation | Routing & Navigation | Flow | Vaadin Docs

So I create one combobox and when the user select one item I update the url just like the sample… But I have 2 problems.

First is that I have my afterNavigation method executed everty time that I change the url. and the second is that method (and the setParameter are executed 2 time) every time I try to update the url.

In the sample says

// Assign the full deep linking URL directly using
// History object: changes the URL in the browser,
// but doesn’t reload the page.

So if he dont reload, the correct are don’t execute the afterNavigation correct?

This is an expected behavior ?

have an way to don’t execute the afterNavigation?

I need to use QueryParameters so change my url to /my-view?filter=a&sort=b


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It is simply a bug.

See the reports:

2/3 are fixed. So if you update the latest version, your app may already work. If not wait for the last one to be fixed.