grid footer row alignment

There is a difference regarding the text alignment of grid footer rows:
For the first footer row retrieved from the grid via appendFooterRow the underlying DOM element contains style="text-align: end; all subsequently created footer row doesn’t contain such style and it’s not possible to add on footer cell components such style.

first footer row

<vaadin-grid-cell-content slot="vaadin-grid-cell-content-75" style="text-align: end;">
    <flow-component-renderer appid="ROOT" nodeid="284">
        <label style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em;">Summe netto</label>

all further rows

<vaadin-grid-cell-content slot="vaadin-grid-cell-content-90">
    <flow-component-renderer appid="ROOT" nodeid="269">
        <label style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em;">MwSt</label>

How can I right align text in those footer rows ?

        FooterRow footerRowMwSt = appendFooterRow();
        FooterCell mwSt = footerRowMwSt.getCell(colMenge);
        mwSt.setComponent(new Label("MwSt"));
        mwSt.getComponent().getElement().getStyle().set("font-size", fontSize).set("font-weight", "bold");

Neither mwSt.getComponent().getElement().setAttribute("theme", "align-right");nor // nor mwSt.getComponent().getElement().getStyle().set("text-align", "right"); seems to work.

Not sure why the two footer rows would get different alignments. Did you apply right-align to the column using .setTextAlign(ColumnTextAlign.END);? If so, it sounds like there might be a bug affecting the propagation of that style to subsequent footer rows.

In any case, you should be able to force right-align on all footer row cells with this (in theme/components/vaadin-grid.css):

    text-align: end;