In DefaultFieldFactory of my Form I have a DateField field:
public Field createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext) {
final Field f = super.createField(item, propertyId, uiContext);
if (f != null) {
if (f instanceof TextField) {
TextField tf = (TextField) f;
if (propertyId.equals("tmsStart")) {
((DateField) f).setResolution(DateField.RESOLUTION_MIN);
//other fields ...
return f;
When I add the Form component to the main window, DateFiled is correctly displayed with the calendar. If I add the Form to a subwindow, the DateField is displayed as a TextField, without calendar.
How can I display a DateField with calendar inside a Window?
Thanks, Francesco
Right now have the same problem, check by debug step by step, all works correct, no mistakes, but in subwindow datefield is empty. Any suggest, what it can be?