Hi, for accessibility reasons I’m trying to set the focus to always be on the whole row (instead of having the focus move from cell to cell) when navigating with tabs / keys inside a TreeGrid component.
This functionality seems to have been added in web-components since v22 (https://github.com/vaadin/web-components/issues/357) but I’m having issues with finding it in flow. Looking in the Documentation hasn’t really helped (I tried searching for “focus mode” and other similar keywords to no avail).
Am I missing something? Is there any work around to deal with this requirement?
Vaadin version is 23.2.6
If you have keyboard focus on the first cell of a row and press the left arrow key the whole row is focused and you can navigate the whole Grid’s rows by using arrow up/down
Thank you knoobie! I’m aware of this feature, I was wondering if there was a way to set this kind of focus as the one and only way of navigating the grid, basically preventing the user from “moving” from cell to cell and instead only being able to do it from row to row.
Sadly there is no such feature atm
That’s too bad! I assume the feature implemented by the issue I linked to was never ported to flow?
Looks like it’s automatically enabled and therefore no API was added. Tagging Rolf Smeds in the ticket and ask him about it could help
I see! Thank you for helping