Facebook integration

Hey guys

anyone has experiences with integration of Facebook Connect using Vaadin framework?
I tried to create a facebook connect login using javascript, so far I can only get the button to show up in IE, but for other browsers such as firefox or chrome, i keep on getting “Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame, Domains, protocols and ports must match.” javascript error.

Your help would be appreciated.


IE is less restrictive with cross-domain requests, it doesn’t require the port to be the same for the two parties. All other major browsers require all, protocol, domain and port to be the same. I guess that’s why IE works and others don’t.

Are you trying to do the connection from your local development server, which possibly runs in say, port 8080?

I really don’t know anything about Facebook Connect, just guessing here.


Thanks for your rely. Yes, Im doing this on my local development server with port 8080… any idea how to overcome this?


additionally, when i turn on the debug and do “Analyze layout”, then the button will get rendered… so it doesn’t seem like its a cross-domain issue here… any help would be great
