DragImageModifier <use> Vaadin Table

I have a requirement to change the Drag Image of Vaadin Table. Vaadin provided “com.vaadin.client.ui.dd. DragImageModifier” for the same. Do not know how to use this?..

Extending table and overriding method:

  1. public class MyTable extends Table implements DragImageModifier
    { }
    How we can set as Listner as of now. For table addListner() is depricated and specific Listner methods are no use to set DragImageMoodifier.

  2. targetTable.addListener( new DragImageModifier()

    public void modifyDragImage( Element element )
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    } );

Both Approach are not working. Anything I am missing?. Do I need to implement some other listner to listen to start of drag event ?.

Any example or insights?.