Is there any way to trigger events per component?
I have one Component that extends FlexLayout inside this componet I have more 2 or 3 components (with one with an form and fields)
Can I create one way that when I focus or blur some fields I execute one method in my parent component?
I trying to use the ComponentUtil.addListener(this, MyEvent.class, event ->{})
but How can I refer in my subcomponents the parent component to use in
If only Vaadin events would support “bubling”… I don’t know exactly what you are building and how coupled your components inside that FlexLayout are, but if it is a “composition” or server side “custom component”, I’d jus make the main component listen to all Focusable’s. Something like this:
public FlexFocusExample() {
add(new TextField());
add(new Checkbox());
protected void onAttach(AttachEvent attachEvent) {
.filter(c -> c instanceof Focusable)
.map(c -> (Focusable) c)
.forEach(f -> f.addFocusListener(e -> focusing(f)));
private void focusing(Focusable focusable) {
// TODO do the thing here"Focused " + focusable.getClass().getSimpleName());
Or open a method (public/package private) for components inside your parent component and then you can refer that from some even listener of a child component like this: