Hello everyone,
I got some troubles when I try to integrate the DontPush Ozone add-on in my application.
I followed the wiki and so added the AtmosphereServlet in my web.xml as following
<!-- prevent deadlocks -->
<!--Uncomment if you want to use Servlet 3.0 Async Support
<async-supported>true</async-supported> -->
I replaced the Vaadin Application Servlet class by
I also added the atmosphere.xml file in src/main/resources/META-INF folder.
But when I start my application I got the following message :
“Ooops…Connection to server appears to be broken. This may be due to a temporary network problem or the server has gone is offline or very busy. The connection may return automatically or you may try to reconnect/restart your app.”
And my error console says :
org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereMappingException: No AtmosphereHandler found. Make sure you define it inside META-INF/atmosphere.xml or annotate using @AtmosphereHandlerService
FYI I’m using Spring Security but when I remove all the intercept-urls, nothing change.
I totally have no idea where the problem comes from as I got the atmosphere.xml file.