Did vaadin8 have the topological graph?
What is a topological graph? If you’re looking for chart types, check here for live demos of what is available in Vaadin Charts: https://demo.vaadin.com/charts/
Olli Tietäväinen:
What is a topological graph? If you’re looking for chart types, check here for live demos of what is available in Vaadin Charts: https://demo.vaadin.com/charts/-Olli
the chart is as follow [https://baike.baidu.com/pic/拓扑结构图/2104811/0/4075890a1c46504995ca6bfb?fr=lemma&ct=single#aid=0&pic=4075890a1c46504995ca6bfb]
It The nodes are connected, similar to the subway map .
At least Vaadin Charts doesn’t have that. One option would be integrating a JavaScript library, maybe something like http://js.cytoscape.org/