Dev/Prod keys for OAUTH2

I have successfully implemented OAUTH2 in my Vaadin application.
I generated two separate keys,

  1. one for dev with homepage url pointing to http://localhost:8080/ and
  2. one for prod point to my prod server.

Every time I need to work on the code I need to comment out the non relevant keys in
This is not much of a problem but a slight irritant.

What is the prescribed way to approach this?
Is there any way to figure out dev/prod mode programatically and load the keys accordingly? (Perhaps with a Config where the keys are declared in the code instead of picking from the

Note: The does not allow duplicates of and

Thank you.

You can override those as environment variables.

So many options to choose from…

  • environment variables
  • different profiles and excluding dev from production builds
  • externalized application properties

Choose what’s best for your production deployment (commenting out is not)

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Thanks guys! I will check out the environment variables.
Special thanks to @SimonMartinelli for the link. It definitely helped bring more clarity.

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Normally you want to use profiles and create one file for every profile:
… will be loaded everytime and the others depending on the active profiles. For example:

java app.jar

Properties in -local will override the one in the default file.

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Be careful with profiles because suddenly you may store passwords and other sensitive data in Git if you commit the property files

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