Custom easyUpload addon

My name is Thiago and i’m developing a application using vaadin 6.8.12. I’m using EasyUpload add-on normally and work perfect, but i need a make some custom change just in the appearance.

I’m try to extend a class VSWFUpload inside my project but don’t work. I notice that this class don’t have the annotation ClientWidget in any part of package (EasyUpload.jar), how do you mapped the class VSWFUpload with a server class UploadField?
I used this technique with other add ons and work perfect.

I try to use mapped inside widgetset.xml file (replace-with tag) but don’t work too.

If i put annotation ClientWidget in server class that extends UploadField, all layout become visible false, i don’t know why.
Is there any form to extends a class VSWFUpload in my project?

Thanks for attention,