Combobox setValue in FieldGroup vaadin 7.0.x and 7.1.x

I’m using a FieldGroup for binding a comboBox
i have a problem when i upgrad from vaadin 7.0.2 to vaadin 7.1.9, th setValue dosen’t work when i edit my Form (FieldGroup) the combobox dosen’t show the selected value here is the code

private final ComboBox civiliteField = new ComboBox(“Civilité”);

Item i = null;
civiliteField.addContainerProperty(“c”, String.class, “”);
for(CiviliteEnum enume:CiviliteEnum.values()){
i = civiliteField.addItem(enume);

this code (setvalue) works fine with vaadin 7.0.2 but not with vaadin 7.1.9

please help !
sorry for my english