I think I have a problem with the temp-folder on the server.
Administration says there is a dedicated temp-folder the applicationserver can use and it’s given via startup-parameter.
Is it possible to give this parameter to vaadin for storing temp-files?
I can’t get any page because it shows me that there is no client-cache file on a serverpath I’m not able to write in.
Or has it something to do with the url prefix I get on deployment?
question is still open. There is nothing in the logs. Server is trying to deploy views but the browser isn’t able to show them. So I think Vaadin is working properly but there is an error in finding the client-cache-file.
Are you deploying a WAR file that is properly build with production profile, i.e. -Pproduction? In case it is not, there will be probably some issues in deployment since dev-mode build will attempt to use some temp-folder and that will likely fail due access rights or something else.
We have not made plugin for Ant, you have probably noticed that all our documentation and examples are based on maven. So you need to use maven to make the production build.
Here comes the problem.
At my Customers development workbench there is only connection to the customers nexus. So now I have to claim for putting VAADIN 14 into the nexus.
Hi, after wrapping around every security hole at my Customer I was able to mvn my Project via commandline. After many tries now I have an war-file with my hole project in it.
But the error stays the same. And I have updated to VAADIN 14.0.4.
The error in the browser says:
Laden fehlgeschlagen für das <script> mit der Quelle "http://d100aeu93002.d100.intern:8048/atc/VAADIN/static/client/client-59E69D05DF6B41AFC722309793280A0E.cache.js".
Yes I’ve built with mvn clean package -Pproduction.
I haven’t directly used a starter I took the JEE CDI starter and merged it into my project but I had to remove CDI because it didn’t work with ejb-lite.
I have attached my pom.xml maybe I f*ed something up.