I’m trying to open an URL from a leaf of a Tree. As Tree can only contain Items and not Links, I’ve added a “link” property on my items, and when the item selection event is caught, i’m launching the following code:
On every browser I tested, this code NEVER opens a new tab but always create a new window. When removing the 2nd parameter “_blank”, the url is opened in the current window, which is also not what I want
How can I open an URL in a new tab with this method?
There’s no way to open links with JavaScript to new tabs , the best you can do is open a new window or instruct the user to use middle-click or ctrl+click. The tab behavior is totally controlled by the end-user, as it should be.
Sorry to be the messenger. But welcome to the forums anyhow!
The thing is I know there is no way to “force” opening a tab instead of a new window, the thing is even if the browser is set to open each link in a tab, the url will still open in the new window…!
And as this is not a Link object, this is not recognized as an actual link in the browser, so there is no default “middle click on a link” action that will be recognized by the browser. On this Item, I would have to implement “middle click” or “ctrl+click” event recognition to still trigger… a window.open()
So to be more accurate, the question is “how to make window.open() open a new tab when the browser is configured to open all new links in tabs”?