Hi there,
The doc says:
If you want to manually handle navigation events, you can replace it by setting a handler for navigation events using
The problem is that if I set a custom HistoryStateChangeHandler
when the UI is just initialized, the handler is overwritten by the internal logic of the UI
For example, how I set HistoryStateChangeHandler
public class CustomVaadinServiceInitListener implements VaadinServiceInitListener {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomVaadinServiceInitListener.class);
public void serviceInit(ServiceInitEvent serviceInitEvent) {
VaadinService source = serviceInitEvent.getSource();
private void uiInit(UIInitEvent uiInitEvent) {
UI ui = uiInitEvent.getUI();
History history = ui.getPage().getHistory();
private void onHistoryStateChange(History.HistoryStateChangeEvent event) {
log.info("History state changed: {}", event.getLocation());
The following code overwrites previously set HistoryStateChangeHandler
: flow/flow-server/src/main/java/com/vaadin/flow/component/UI.java at main · vaadin/flow · GitHub
if (firstNavigation) {
firstNavigation = false;
getPage().getHistory().setHistoryStateChangeHandler( // <1>
e -> renderViewForRoute(e.getLocation(), e.getTrigger()));
if (getInternals().getActiveRouterTargetsChain().isEmpty()) {
// Render the route unless it was rendered eagerly
renderViewForRoute(location, navigationTrigger); // <2>
1 - Overwrites HistoryStateChangeHandler
2 - Uses internal logic regardless HistoryStateChangeHandler
So it seems that the only way to override User Navigation handling is to override UI class, which is also challenging.
ignores passed UI class and createscom.vaadin.flow.component.UI
- Public
class doesn’t have public getters.
Both problems are not show-stoppers at first glance, but they require extra code copying and pasting.
Could you please advice the best way to completely handle user navigation using custom code?
Please, let me know if you need any additional information.